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After the 31st March, the current arrangement where householders and businesses who install solar panels are paid 5.24p for each kWh that they send to the grid, will end in April to new entrants. Any electricity not used instantly on-site, or stored in a battery for later, will be fed in to the electricity grid, with no payment in return. Those who currently receive the export tariff will remain unaffected for the 20 year duration of the Feed-in-Tariff.

It is therefore advisable to install solar panels before the March deadline, when the Feed-in Tariff and Export tariffs will be closed to new entrants, to guarantee you still get the Export Tariff for the next 20 years.

At the moment, on small systems (less than 30 kW output capacity) the money is paid regardless of exactly how much electricity is sent back. Export is ‘deemed’ at 50% of generation, even if the property uses more than half of the electricity. This saves the administration of metering export on the million or so properties that have installed solar panels since the feed-in-tariffs began in 2010.

Despite of the current energy minister, Claire Perry’s comment on 20th November 2018 that "solar power should not be provided to the grid for free”, the Government continues to process the paperwork to abolish the export tariff.

If you have been considering installing solar panels for your property, you need to act quickly as there is limited time to start the process if planning permission is required. Call us today on 01293 821 345 to find out how much you could be saving by installing solar panels.


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