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isoenergy is delighted to announce that we are attending the Open Renewables Event at Frensham Mill near Farnham, Surrey. The event will take place on Saturday 21st May from 10 am – 1 pm. Entry into this event is free, there will be refreshments and a collection that will help raise money, any funds raised will go towards ‘Friends of Frensham Churches’ which is dedicated to caring for the historic buildings.

This open renewables event gives the opportunity for everyone to understand what is available and what technologies can be installed to make a home more sustainable. There are also hands-on educational kits that will allow children to create their own water wheels, solar panel kits, and a wind turbine!

10 years ago, isoenergy installed a 30kW Viessmann water source heat pump system that is still providing renewable heating for the property. We also helped install an Archimedes Screw micro-hydro generator to provide electricity for the heat pumps. You can read more on the project here, or visit their website to learn more about the installed renewable technologies.

isoenergy’s Commercial Director, Edward Levien will be giving a short presentation at 10:30, 11:30, and 12:30. There will be time available for questions after for those who want to find out more about renewable technologies.

If you would like to learn more about how a heat pump could benefit your home, or you have an existing isoenergy installation and would like to host an open day, then please do get in touch through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 01293 821345.

You can read more details on the open day on the flyer.


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