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Project specification

  • Property type: Community
  • Technologies installed:
  • Collector type:
  • Size (kW): 50
  • New/retrofit: New build

Earsham Primary School is a small school of around 100 pupils aged 4-11 years old. isoenergy were involed as the school was undergoing a renovation to cater better to the 9-11 year olds. The school was eager to involve the students in the process and particularly provide them with an understanding of the priciples of renewable energy. To assist in this process, isoenergy prepared an educational document for the children making the technology accessible. As part of the redevelopment, extensive landscaping and planting was carried out in order to create more widlife habitats and encourage biodiversity.

Given that the school has extensive playing fields, a ground source heat pump was installed.

A 50 kW ground source heat pump was installed to provide heating and 500 litres of hot water to the school. The collector consisted of 2,350 metres of pipework buried in trenches which were dug in the playing fields, and then backfilled.


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