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Project specification

  • Property type: Country estate
  • Technologies installed:
  • Collector type:
  • Size (kW): 90
  • New/retrofit: Retrofit
  • Brand: Viessmann

St Giles House is the ancestral home and centre of business of the Ashley-Coopers, the Earls of Shaftesbury. Built in 1651, the home rests in a large park through which the River Allen flows, feeding a seven-acre lake as it winds its way towards the small parish village of Wimborne St Giles. isoenergy was asked to work with contractors and mechanical engineers to provide a large scale renewable energy solution to the property, without affecting the building or local ecosystem.

isoenergy was asked to design a system that would respect the building and heat the section currently lived in my the owners. A number of options were available for providing heating, but the near by lake was a perfect heat source for a ground source heat pump.

Spatial heating and hot water are provided by two 45 kW water source heat pumps, with energy collected from a near-by lake using a closed-loop array of 3,000 metres.

To supplement the ground source system a solar PV array was designed and installed by isoenergy. The solar photovoltaic array generates enough revenue throughout the year to offset the running of the heat pumps.

To make the most of the free energy from the sun, a solar thermal array was installed on a flat roof hidden from the ground by the building's parapet.


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