The show proved to be a great place for prospective customers to meet our experienced consultants and discuss the individual requirements of their projects. Visitors to the stand left knowing exactly how we can design and install economic renewable energy systems within their homes and with a clear idea of budgets, savings and payback time frames.
With shows like Grand Designs and Amazing Spaces encouraging the self-build and renovation market, isoenergy is installing an increasing number of heat pumps and solar PV systems within this sector. Architects and project managers are realising the potential of ground source heat pumps and solar panel systems, particularly for projects away from the mains gas grid, and their clients are keen to take advantage of the profitable incentive schemes currently available.
isoenergy appears at a number of shows across the UK throughout the year, if you have a project you are working on and would like to understand the potential of renewable energy keep an eye out for when we are in your area.