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Solar panels are an ever-developing area of technology. With these developments come many improvements in efficiency, cost reduction, and perhaps most notably, longevity, but how long do Solar Panels last?

Whilst the first generation of solar panels may have only been expected to operate for 5-10 years, however, modern solar panels are proving they are able to operate, without fault for twice as long.

Most mass-produced solar panels are now warranted by their manufacturers for 20 years. Faults occurring before this time due to manufacturing defects are replaced under warranty. The confidence in their products conveyed through these long-term warranties is based on observations of solar PV farms that were built in the late 80’s early 90’s that still have many of their original panels in operation.

This would suggest that the observed operation of a solar panel could be around 25-30 years and hence warranting them for 20 years is, in many manufacturer’s view, low risk.

Whilst solar panels should now be expected to last for in excess of 20 years, they will lose some efficiency throughout their lifetime. Observations made by many manufacturers and technical advisors in the renewable energy industry, suggest the panel will operate at around 80% of the efficiency initially stated by the manufacturer by the end of their estimated 20-year life.

In summary, the lifespans of solar panels are extending due to improvements in manufacturing and robustness of design. It now becomes the decision of the owner whether panels should be utilised until they fail or if new panels should be introduced earlier to maintain the efficiency of the system.

If you would like to find out more about how much electricity you could be generating with a solar panel array, get in touch on 01293 821 345.
