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Isoenergy is delighted to announce that we are working with The Royal Alexandra and Albert School, Reigate, on the delivery of a large ground source heat pump project to convert the majority of the school buildings on site from existing ageing oil boiler systems to new heat pump systems.

In total there are 18 buildings that are to be converted from oil boilers to heat pumps in a bid to reduce the carbon footprint of the school by up to 70%. The total installed capacity of all the ground source heat pumps combined is going to be in the region of 2MW and will replace ~750,000l of oil usage per year.

The mix of buildings includes boarding houses, classroom blocks, a swimming pool, the dining hall plus other ancillary buildings, all of varying ages and construction types. The site is within 260 acres of Capability Brown landscape with Grade II Gatton Hall at its centre. The energy for the heat pumps will come from a mix of boreholes and closed loop lake collectors split across a number of areas.

We believe this is the largest ground source heat pump project in a school in the UK and represents a bold statement by the Royal Alexandra and Albert School that shows their understanding of and commitment to reducing carbon emissions. The project has been in the planning stage for the last six months and work is due to start on site imminently with the first of the boarding houses due to be on line with the new heat pump systems in the new year. The rest of the buildings will then come on line over a 12 months period, with completion due in early 2021.

Mark Dixon, Headmaster at the School, explained: “The energy saving project we are planning is one that will revolutionise the way we source energy, whilst being sensitive to the 260 acres of historic parkland in which the School is located. By 2021, we hope to be one of the greenest schools in country. The next few years may see some disruption on site, but we believe it is our responsibility to listen to the concerns of our pupils and staff and take positive steps to reduce the carbon footprint of our School.”

In addition to the heat pumps the school is also in the process of swapping the majority of its lighting to LEDs and has recently undertaken a rolling project to increase the amount of loft insulation installed in all of its buildings which will further reduce the consumption of energy on site. 
